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  • Writer's pictureSaf Osmani

What We Eat in a Day IG Live Cooking Class Tips and Recipes Collaboration with Labante London!

Thank you to everyone who joined our Cooking Class. We are covered everything we Eat in a Day, as well as smoothie, salad, soup and wrap recipes. If you were unable to watch all of our tips and recipes are below and watch the full video on our IG TV, Facebook or Youtube.

  1. We have been vegan for almost 15 years and are passionate about whole-foods, plant-based eating and love to share our knowledge with others.

  2. That is why we created our social blog Jax Vegan Couple. We get asked about our social channel name and how it came about JAX is short for Jacksonville which is located in sunny Florida where we live.

  3. When our family went vegan we began feeling more energetic, stronger, creative and happier than ever before.

Many of our family members had passed away from stroke and heart disease at a young age. This lead us to do tons of research and follow all the plantbased experts in the food and health field to find out how to live healthier without disease. We read the book,The China Study, watched Forks Over Knives and follow the teachings from these expert doctors: Joel Furhman, Michael Greger, Joel Kahn, Michael Klaper, John McDougall, Caldwell Esselstyn, and Neal Barnard. We were thrilled when we got an opportunity to meet with these doctors on a vegan cruise we went on earlier this year.

We also received the Plant-Based Nutrition certificate through eCornell. This certificate program helped us to understand the scientific relationships between diet, exercise, and chronic disease.

  1. To hone our cooking skills in cooking without oil, we took the Forks Over Knives online cooking class and became certified.

  2. We have been featured in numerous publications, JAX4News, VegWorld Magazine and even met the famous plant-based doctors on a vegan cruise we went on.

Friends and family always came to us for advice and tips on healthier eating and how to reverse their disease. Therefore, we launched our social channel JAX Vegan Couple with the mission to educate, engage and inspire others and help them on a healthy whole-foods plant-based journey!

  1. We offer free tips, resources and recipes to our followers to educate, engage and inspire them to make better health and lifestyle choices.

  2. We created a 21-Day Meal Plan eBook with over 70 recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. It also has a getting started guide, FAQs, grocery list and menu for anyone thinking about going on a plant-based diet. We donate all the proceeds from the sale of this eBook to farmers, this is our way of giving back to the community.

  3. We would truly appreciate it if you share our story with your family and friends and follow us on our social channels: blog, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter.

Some tools that are helpful and we use regulary are:

Forks over Knives Recipe App

Daily Dozen Checklist

Dr. Michael Greger’s daily dozen checklist is a list of things to eat daily. In his “How Not to Die” he investigates the fifteen leading causes of death in America. He cites masses of research that shows how nutritional and lifestyle changes can help in preventing those causes of death. To make his findings actionable, Dr. Greger provides a checklist of the foods we should eat everyday “to not die”.

Here are some of the fruits and vegetables we eat from the daily dozen:

Beans and legumes, comprise of so many beans, including soybeans, split peas, chickpeas, and varieties of lentils. You should try to get three servings a day.

Berries – A serving of berries is a half cup of fresh or frozen, blackberries, cherries, mulberries, raspberries, blueberries and strawberries.

Cruciferous vegetables – Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cabbage, collards, and kale. We eat at least one serving a day about 1 cup.

Nuts – Everyone should eat 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds in their daily diet, in addition to a serving of nuts or other seeds. 10 pieces of nuts like almonds is one serving, or 2 tablespoons of nut or seed butters.

Spices – We love the spice turmeric, cumin, ginger, garlic and fresh herbs like mint, cilantro, basil, thyme, oregano, rosemary and add it to all of our cooking.

Whole grains – A serving of whole grains can be 1 cup of steelcut oatmeal, amaranth, buckwheat, farro and quinoa or brown rice.

Love using an air fryer for brussel sprouts, sweet potato fries, tofu tempura perfect and no oil is used.

Fresh Produce Delivery

We love to support local farmers and order a weekly produce delivery box from Worthy Flavors that comes to our door. Yummy healthy in season fruits and vegetables come to our door. They even send recipe cards to use.

On Today Cooking Live we are focusing on what we eat in a day and share with you simple dishes you can make in 10 minutes or less.

Pre Breakfast

1 glass of warm water with fresh lemon squeeze and grated ginger


Steel cut oats are rich in protein and fiber, improving fullness and helping to provide the macronutrient building blocks of a healthy diet.

You can make these sweet or savory.

They can be used in place of other types of oats in just about any recipe, like soup or stew or as a satisfying, fiber-rich breakfast option.

The vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in steel cut oats can provide important health benefits. For example, the fiber in them helps to lower cholesterol and move food efficiently through the digestive tract and also enhance immune function.

Green Smoothies: Are They Good for You?

Green smoothies are nutrient-rich blends of fruits and vegetables. They’ve become a popular way for people to meet their recommended daily intake of vitamins and minerals. Unlike juices, green smoothies retain the beneficial fiber content from whole foods.

At their most basic, green smoothies combine leafy greens like spinach, kale, arugula, and microgreens with a base liquid like water. While these greens alone can make for a bitter-tasting smoothie, there are tons of combinations that improve its flavor profile and add nutritional content.


Salads – what goes in it?

G-BOMBS is an acronym that Dr. Fuhrman uses to help us remember the foods that we need to make sure to eat every single day.

Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries, Seeds

If you eat all of these and nothing else, you will be eating a perfect Nutritarian diet. These foods are easty to remember and the best anti-cancer, health-promoting foods on the planet.

These are the foods that you should eat every day, making up a significant proportion of your diet. They are extremely effective at preventing chronic disease, including cancer and promoting health and longevity. We make sure to have a large salad every night for dinner which includes all of the Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries, seeds and we add variations daily with different fruits and vegetables that are in season.

Create a Buddha Bowl by adding some couscous, quinoa, or brown rice with the vegetables & fruits. Dressing can be blended dates, with ginger and turmeric or just a squeeze of lemon or lime.

Create a wrap filled with these chopped salad veggies.


We just have a piece of fruit or cut-up veggies or a small bowl of soup if we are hungry.


Add all the veggies you would in a salad to a pot add 2 cups of water and boil, add spices and herbs of choice: I love garlic & ginger, and lots of herbs in our soup and am very generous in putting this. Ginger Fights inflammation and garlic is antiseptic and good for you.

Bedtime Drink- Turmeric Latte

Warm water or plant-based milk ½ teaspoon of turmeric, ¼ teaspoon cumin, 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon, ¼ teaspoon cardamon Blend everything together and enjoy.

Thanks for joining us today, be sure to subscribe to our blog and read the latest content and simple salads, breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas on Here are some latest tips & posts this month:

  1. SuperBowl Healthy Snacks

  2. Organize Kitchen Fridge & Pantry

  3. Plantbased Grocery List

  4. GBombs what are they and how to add to your daily diet.

  5. Daily Dozen Checklist

  6. 5 Romantic Places to Visit in Miami

  7. Valentine’s Healthy Desserts

Thanks for your love and support! We would truly appreciate it if you share our story with your family and friends and follow us on our social channels: blog, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. Tag someone who needs to see this content and can benefit from this information.

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